Friday 28 May 2010

Politicians should not be excused.

A similar revolution should again be done to punish these expired leaders, and elect capable ones.

Nepali trend is such, there is no rule and law for politicians and for those who are in higher post and have sufficient influence in administration. It is situation of great misfortune that we are not getting our constitution in the mentioned time. The period of two years in not less and political leaders themselves says that they had put sufficent margin too, realizing the fact of anything negative may happens. But now that period has been ended and we haven't get anything yet. If all CA member realize their ethics and moral stand, how can they take salary and perks from people's taxes?

 The main reason for not drafting the constitution in time is that the politicians and leaders merely think about the benefits of their party. They never thought for the benefits of the nation and people. Lets watch the current situation of our country compare with developed ones.

  • No development, or other progress.
  • No electricity and water.
  • No rubbish management in Kathmandu.
  • Strike (banda, Hadtal) are increasing day by day and making people's life more difficult.
  • No Education quality as Strikes directly affects education.
  • No jobs for people.
  • No security, Numerous killing and murder cases comes to light daily.
  • No consensus between political parties.
  • No security even for journalist.
  • Communication mediums don't work properly even in Kathmandu.
These are some of many gifts politicians offered to us during this 2 years period. As people had shown their unity in revolution in 2047 and 2062/2063, again they need to unite together and give appropriate punishments for politicians for not doing homework in the mentioned time. There are also many intellectual people, who can do many things for people and have concrete idea of solving Nepal's problem. We should elect those. We don't have any hope from these expired leaders. We already had excused them many times, but they never gets reformed. They never want to think outside of vicious circle of their own party and family and think about nation and people. Actually they are in politics for their family and own personal benefits. So we should not be cheated more from them in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. these all CA basterds should punished to death and also all the salary paid to them should be returned..
